Photo from the scene Pollock (An action painter transforms into historical characters and imagining events from history).
Photo from the scene Gagarin (Travel into space)
Photo from the scene Before She goes Out
Photo from the scene Pollock (An action painter transforms into historical characters and imagining events from history).
Clown en Jupe by Maya Tångeberg-Grischin
Cellar Theatre, Basle, Switzerland, 1968
As first female theatre clown in Switzerland, I chose themes from life, treated them with personal comic sense and created short numbers of seven minutes and toured with the show in Switzerland.
What Maya herself thinks about the clown:
"The clown is a radical sceptic. He is never a rebel nor a reactionary. He cannot decide and falls always with a plump between the chairs. There, he (or she) is sitting on his bottom, but there is in fact the most decent place."